Membership Registration
MACD membership is widely representative of commerce, industry, government, business and corporate professionals—spanning the full spectrum of business from public listed companies to private small medium enterprises and non-profit entities. Members hold positions on the boards of many of the companies listed on Bursa Securities Malaysia. Membership is also extended to directors of privately owned companies, professionals, business leaders and executives holding senior positions in the public and private sectors.
Our goal is to be the voice and advocate for corporate leaders with particular emphasis on value creation, inclusivity and board diversity. Although membership is for individuals, there is a special category of Corporate Membership for corporations that subscribe to the visions, ideals and objectives of MACD by having their full boards as members of MACD.
- Special rates for MACD conference and events.
Annual fee: RM 250
For individuals not on a Public Listed Company board but on a Private Limited Company board, Association/Foundation/Non-Profit Board, or in the C-Suite.
- Special rates for MACD conference and events.
- Voting rights at General Meetings
- Access to MACD’s publications (Print/Electronic)
- Opportunities for leadership roles on MACD Board or Committees
- Opportunities as priority Speaker/Panelist/Moderator in MACD’s events
- Opportunities to serve on GNDI Committees
- Opportunities to attend GNDI’s global events at special member’s rates
- Recognition (with logo) of Corporate Membership
Annual fee: RM 500
For those who have served on a Public Listed Company board in the last 24 months when joining.
- Special rates for MACD conference and events.
- Voting rights at General Meetings
- Access to MACD’s publications (Print/Electronic)
- Opportunities for leadership roles on MACD Board or Committees
- Opportunities as priority Speaker/Panelist/Moderator in MACD’s events
- Opportunities to serve on GNDI Committees
- Opportunities to attend GNDI’s global events at special member’s rates
- Recognition (with logo) of Corporate Membership
Joining fee: RM 1000
Annual fee: RM 500
For organizations that support the company’s goals and sponsor their entire board as members.
- Includes 3 complimentary ordinary memberships
- Special rates for MACD conference and events.
- Ordinary member voting rights for each appointed individual at General Meetings
- Access to MACD’s publications (print or electronic)
- Opportunities for leadership roles on MACD Board or Committees
- Opportunities as priority Speaker/Panelist/Moderator in MACD’s events
- Opportunities to serve on GNDI Committees
- Opportunities to attend GNDI’s global events at special member’s rates
- Recognition (with logo) of Corporate Membership
- 20% discount for advertisements in MACD’s print or electronic media
Joining fee: RM 5000
Additional director’s fee: RM 1500
Annual fee: RM 2500
Additional director’s annual fee: RM 750